I was going to use a real picture of Mama Jan like I did with Jason's marker, but per her request, I did not. She still needs a face though.
Once again, "as seen on Pinterest". With my backwards way of doing things I didn't use the paint recommended and ran out of regular silver paint. I used a paint pen and kept pressing the tip inside the empty jar and rolling the sparse amount of paint that came out to cover the inside. Jason kept looking at me like I had lost my mind while I worked on this. When I finally got the bright idea to open the pen and just pour the silver paint in, I ran out of paint. It still looks neat. It would probably have turned out a little more fancier if I followed the instructions that I found, but I like to work with what I have.

I am determined to lose this bracelet and still don't have a picture. I really like it and was just wearing it yesterday. Of course, I substituted the string for rubber and used little round washers from a garage sale instead of using what the instructions specified. Another project off my Pinterest "to try" list though. Yip yip. This is not my picture, but this is pretty easy to make if you are feeling all washed up. tee hee.
This wasn't really a failure, but I got bored making it because it wasn't going to turn out as cute as I had hoped. This was another case of me trying to use bike materials (rubber and brake wire) to create this hair band.
06/25/2012 - Game Board Bowls
This was an experiement I wanted to try for quite a while, but started with scraps from other game board projects. I soaked the boards in water until they were saturated then pressed them into bowls to dry. I didn't realize that the boards were two separate pieces held together by tape and some kind of glue that comes apart in water. I think this can work with a little tweaking and cleverness, so this may be seen again.
06/25/2012 - Game Board Bowls
This was an experiement I wanted to try for quite a while, but started with scraps from other game board projects. I soaked the boards in water until they were saturated then pressed them into bowls to dry. I didn't realize that the boards were two separate pieces held together by tape and some kind of glue that comes apart in water. I think this can work with a little tweaking and cleverness, so this may be seen again.
My friend sent me info to enter an Instructables contest. I didn't win (there were some amazing entries) but I did end up with a one year subscription to Instructables (hooray!). Check it out if you want to make your own.
06/27/2012 - Red Flower Ring
Another fabulous bit of garbage saved for me. I really am not sure what this lovely red flower is from (I keep forgetting to ask), but I have another one to experiment with still. I used toy wire and random bead from SCRAP to make this little ring.
You can't tell from this picture, but there is a sketch of onions in this picture. I really do plan to finish my plant markers before next season.
More bits from the same "To Go" kit! I was a sucker and bought this cute little drawer from work with no intention in mind. The "vases" are marker lids I had to cut down to fit into the drawer. Both the lids and flowers were in the kit. I like this, but I might take out the flowers if I find a higher purpose for the drawer.