Necessity is the mother of invention, so they say. My hair is getting awfully shaggy so making a cute hair pin came to mind. Thankfully, that quote refers to more important things than my hair.
Reclaimed Material: rubber, button, copper wire
Other Material: bobby pin
Tools: scissors, X-acto knife, needle nose pliers, wire stripper
How I did it: I cut a circle from the rubber about 1/4" bigger than the button. I cut marks around the circle to feather it. I cut a small slit in the rubber to pull the button notch (? not sure what the back of a decorative button is called) through. I slid the bobby pin through the button hole. The copper wire was from a broken electrical cord so I had to strip off the plastic using the wire strippers. I took one of the copper wires and wrapped it around the button and bobby pin to secure it.
What I would do differently: This needs something to differentiate the black rubber from my hair. I think I will make some type of doodad to mount behind the rubber. I used copper because it kind of matched the button that I got from a bag I got from SCRAP.
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