I keep getting asked if I am still doing my blog. I should call myself a sporadic blogger but a habitual crafter. I am still on track with my resolution! (I am typing and patting myself on the back right now.) I think I have managed to find all of my crafts, but still need pictures of a few that the wee one hasn't borrowed yet.
05/09, 05/10/2012 - "Carrots"
Plant Marker
I had no idea that freshly picked carrots were so delicious. Since painting this marker, which is supposed to look like Zoe in an old fashioned outfit - but really doesn't, we have had a wonderful bounty of carrots.
05/11, 05/13, 05/14, 05/15/2012 - Rubber Tubing Basket
I don't know what to say about this hot mess. This pile of colorful tubing has become my nemesis. I bought a bunch of it from SCRAP because, like most crafters, I am attracted to pretty colors. As soon as I would get it to start to look like a basket it would fall apart, even with tape. I need to fashion some sort of basket loom.
05/12/2012 - Speaker Storage Unit
This is a work in progress craft that my sister-in-law, Heather, and I worked on. We removed the guts and painted the wood. We experimented with different ways to cover the screens with bike tubes, but haven't come up with a fabulous solution yet. I didn't get a picture of the progress before they got put away in the garage. This should be revisited soon. I am excited to see what I can come up with from the heavy duty magnets from the speaker parts.
05/16/2012 - Rubber Tubing Round
I got tired of fighting with this tubing to make it into a basket so I used it to make a round braid. My intention was to make it into some sort of necklace, but it looks like balloon art. I guess a kid might enjoy it.
05/17/2012 - Incognito Glasses
I made these at SCRAP's party for the book Criminal Crafts. It was a blast...ha haa haa, get it, blast, criminal, oh never mind. Miss Demeanor is a fabulous crafter and the book is hilarious...I highly recommend it. Prior to this picture, the glasses were decorated with feathers and had straws to hold them up, but Zoe couldn't help herself when she saw the colorful feathers and had to have them. At least the gnome is incognito.
05/18, 05/19/2012 - Grandma BJ's Cake
Finally! I got a chance to use the air brush I got for Christmas! The cakes didn't turn out exactly how I envisioned them, but I don't think they were too shabby. I wanted them to look like antique tin boxes. They were tasty and I had fun trying out my new toy, that is mostly what matters.
05/20, 05/21/2012 - "Broccoli"
Plant Marker
I only had two broccoli seeds make it, but I waited to long and they went to flower when we went on a camping trip. Boo! Grrr! I am going to try one more planting and see if I can get a fall harvest. I was stumped with making a sign for broccoli, yawn, so I did actually go off a broccoli ad I saw online.