Recycled Material: hanbok dress fabric
Other Material: 4" zipper, matching thread
Tools: sewing machine, scissors, tape measure
How I did it: I measured and cut 2 pieces of the fabric to the size of 4"x5" and a strip 1"x2.5" for the little handle. Because of the small size, I think it is easier to sew in the zipper first so you can lay the fabric flat. I folded the top of the right side of the fabric over .5" on both pieces of the body of the purse (trying to remember my sewing terms, but I believe the side you want to see is called the right side and the back is called the wrong side) then pinned the zipper. I used the sewing machine with a zipper foot to stitch both sides to the zipper. Next I folded the the piece over with the right sides facing each other and the zipper at the fold to sew the main part of the purse. I went back to a regular presser foot and stitched the three remaining edges, leaving a .5" edge. I added a zig zag stitch around these edges then trimmed them down. I then took the 1"x2.5" strip and folded it in half lengthwise with the wrong side facing out and did a simple straight stitch leaving a little less than .5" edge. I turned the strip inside out and folded it in half to make the little handle. The handle was stitched on the zipper pull side (the side the pull is on when it is closed). I made sure that I stitched over the zipper stitch that was already there then trimmed off the excess. The last thing I did was turn the purse inside out and had an elegant little coin purse.
What I would do differently: This is a simple pattern that can be made from about any fabric. I will probably make the handle width a little thicker so it will be easier to turn inside out. I think I have an old key ring somewhere I can attach to the little handle too.
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