Tuesday, July 31, 2012


06/01/2012 - Rubber Rose

This rose was fashioned using a long strip of rubber inner tube I sliced opened and wrapped around half of a bike spoke. I wrapped it multiple times before settling on a lame attempt at a rubber rose. I redid before taking the picture and it could not have been more perfect! I should know better by now, but 3 year old + perfect creation = disaster. Especially when trying to take a bunch of pictures. This is a so-so substitute and my perfect rubber rose will have to live on in my memory.

06/02/2012 - Patriotic Earrings
I am trying to come up with various ways to use old game pieces and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is it drill holes in the plastic. The red balls are leftover from decorations on a Christmas present I had received. I am tempted to draw little clown faces on them because they look like little heads with hats on them.

06/03/2012 - ?????
I think I hear the voices of all of my high school teachers and my mother right now. Telling me that I should have written my project down right away. I haven't missed a day of experimental crafting, but I am annoyed I don't remember and can't find what I worked on. Here is a picture of my cute little one promising not to mess up this flower.

06/04/2012 - Plastic Ring Twirls
I desperately want to come up with an awesome craft for bottle rings. My intent was to twist these and make earrings. I twisted them by hand, wrapped them around pencils, lightly held a lighter under them to melt the metal, coiled them around a pencil and taped them, but still could not get them to match or to twirl the same way.

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