Sunday, April 29, 2012

04/21/2012 - Newspaper Plant Pots

Although I am a very novice gardener, I seen people using these little newspaper planting pots for a very long time. Some recyclers are starting to accept the plastic planter pots for recycling, but they are a hard to recycle item. These are great because they are biodegradable and much cheaper. You can buy newspaper pot makers but being the cheapskate that I am, I just used an aluminum can.

Reclaimed Material: newspaper pages
Other Material: none, unless I count the dirt and seeds
Tools: aluminum can

How I did it: I tore newspaper pages in half along the fold, then folded the page in thirds on the longest side to make a strip about 6" wide. I wrapped it around the aluminum can so that there was about 2" hanging off the bottom of the can then folded the overhang under to make the bottom of the paper pot. I set the pot on a flat surface and filled it with potting soil, then put it in a box with the seam facing a box side. I continued this with placing the seams against another pot or the box.

What I would do differently: After I made these, I read about someone who wet the pots before filling them to make the seam stick. That sounds like a smart idea, but the way I did seems to be working so far.

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